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Professional Hockey Equipment

Repair & Customization


Rosalie Wiese

Rosalie Wiese

Hockey Equipment Repair


What We Do

Thank you for your interest in Great Saves. Below you will find some of the services we offer for Hockey. Some will have prices attached to them and other will not. Some jobs require many different ways to repair or customize an item. Therefore we use a quote price as these prices vary with the cost. Please note, that if you don't see an item listed, that doesn't mean we do not offer that service. We only list a few of the many different repairs or customizing service we can perform to an item. If you have something else in mind, please contact us with any questions you may have.  


In addition, our alterations & customizing is a huge part of our service! We can basically alter and customize most anything! You may have a piece of equipment that just doesn't feel right. Either you are getting hit in areas where you need additional padding, or you have to adjust something because it causes discomfort.  For this service, contact us to go over your equipment needs!


Our sanitizing process entails heat steaming the equipment at a temperature of 220 degrees. We use a sports specific disinfectant cleaner that combined with the heat steaming, kill's fungus, bacteria, and germs.



Skate Lace

Bite Eliminators

Skate Lace Bite Eliminator2.jpg


Have Great Saves professionally patch and repair your hockey gloves. This service includes cleaning & sanitizing! We use a strong and plyable dur-a-soft material that is custom measured and sewn to most any damaged area.

Price range $35 to $45

Repalming....$85 Per Pair

(Gusset & other repairs not included)

Clean & Sanitize only....$9.95 per Pair 

Hockey Glove Patch Palm Before & After

Patching Palms - Sanitizing Before & After!



Clean & Sanitize....$12.95 Per Pair

Other Custom Work....Quote Price

Elbow Pads

Replace Elastic Straps....Quote Price

Replace Velcro Fasteners....Quote Price

Clean & Sanitize....$9.95 Per Pair

Other Custom Work....Quote Price

hockey_elbow_pads (1).jpg

Shin Pads

Replace Straps....Quote Price

Sewing Work....Quote Price

Custom Alterations/padding....Quote Price

Clean & Sanitize....$12.50 Per Pair

Hockey Bags

Stitching & Patch Work....Quote Price

Replace Zipper (Player Bag)....$45.00 Each

Replace Zipper (Player Bag with roller

wheels)....$55.00 Each

Replace Zipper (Goalie Bag)....$55.00 Each

Replace Zipper (Stick Bag)....$57.25 Each

Clean & Sanitize....$12.00 Each


Hockey Pants

Breaser Buttons Replaced....$9.95 & Up

Eyelets Replaced....Quote Price

Padding Added....Quote Price

Sewing, Patching....Quote Price

Custom Alterations....Quote Price

Clean & Sanitize....$20.00 Each

Hockey Shoulder Pads

Clean & Sanitize....$12.50 


Other Repair Work & Alterations....Quote Price


Hockey Skates

Repair tendon guards....$75 Per Skate 

Eyelets Replaced ....Quote Price

New Lining Inside Boots....$155.00 Per Pair

New Skate Blades Mounted....$95.00 per Pair

Re-Rivet Skates....$70.00 Per Pair

Single Rivet Replaced/Copper....Quote Price

Single Rivet Replaced/Steel....Quote Price

Tongues Installed....$120.00 Per Pai

Boot Stretching....$45.00 Pair


Hockey Shin Guards

Hockey Shin Guards Repaired....Quote Price


Clean & Sanitize....$12.50 Per Pair



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Tendon Guards

Hockey Skate Tendon Guard repaired at $75 per skate


AAU is a supporter of Great Saves hockey equipment repair service!

Contact Us

Thanks for submitting!

Great Saves is located at 3N635 Kenwood Ave. West Chicago, IL, 60185

(630) 206-8366


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